Common Misconceptions About Your HVAC System

Feb 5, 2020 | Furnace, Heating, Safety

Although Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning aren’t the simplest of systems to comprehend in your home, the majority of homeowners know plenty enough to get by. A lot of people may even know a few “tricks” to their home’s system as well.  Consider, for example, your thermostat. Practically every homeowner can tell you how to work their home’s thermostat. Most even figured out a few tricks for utilizing it as well. For instance, you may have discovered the quickest trick to warming up your home is to crank up your thermostat all the way — correct? Actually, nearly every HVAC technician with expertise will advise you that this is unequivocally incorrect. Yet this is only one illustration of how a lot of homeowners have the best intentions but, at times, the worst ideas. Many of the “tricks” and “truths” they think they have learned about their HVAC systems are, in truth, prevalent myths and misconceptions.  To address some of these more popular myths and misconceptions, we at Delaware Heating & Air debunked the following. 

Myths About Your HVAC System

Turning The Thermostat Up All The Way Will Warm Up Your Home Faster

We start with this one because of its prevalence. Thermostats transmit information to your home’s system that lets it know when to turn off and when to turn on so that it can sustain your desired comfort level. Setting it to the max setting, or cranking it up all the way or down all the way does not warm or cool your home any faster. That’s not how they work.

You Can Improve Energy And Heating Efficiency By Closing Up The Vents In Rooms You Aren’t Using

This misconception surprises a lot of people because a lot of people do this. However, as much as it seems true, shutting the air vents in unoccupied rooms will not help. It can boost the flow of air, but that boost adds pressure in the ducts. That pressure usually causes air leaks in the seams of the vent. If you’re doing it because your home has hot and cold zones, we suggest giving a zoning system some consideration.

Air Filters Don’t Need To Be Replaced As Often As They Suggest. A Filter Can Last You A Year 

Now, this myth can cause a lot of damage to your system. Yet it’s such an easy and affordable way of protecting your unit and your home’s air quality. We strongly advocate homeowners should replace their air filters frequently, on a routine schedule. Most professionals suggest changing it every other month, and every month during the winter. If you have little furry ones (pets) in your residence, you will definitely want to abide by this rule. Nonetheless, you might be able to spare yourself the trouble of doing this so often by investing in an air purifier.

Tune-ups Aren’t That Important. You Don’t Need One Every Year 

This is probably the most costly mistake a homeowner can make when it comes to their home’s HVAC system. Furnaces and Air Conditioners are costly and complicated devices, machines, that demand annual tune-ups. Having a professional tune them up every year is more critical than a tune-up for a car. These intricate systems contain sophisticated wiring and moving elements that must be inspected, oiled, lubricated, and cleaned frequently. Faulty parts are often replaced before causing further damage. Computations are made during a tune-up that is necessary to guarantee your system continues operating at its best possible performance for years to come. Because of all these reasons and more, we advocate homeowners consult a professional once a year for their furnace and once every spring for their AC. It will protect you from costly repairs down the road. 

When It Comes To HVAC Systems, The Bigger, The Better

Here’s a myth that seems tied to our culture of “bigger is always better.”

When it comes to your HVAC system, this isn’t the case because a system that’s too big for your size of home will short cycle– cycling off and one excessively. When a system does this, it costs significantly more to keep it running, and it actually reduces the life of the system.

When and if the time arrives, and there’s no way around it, that you need a new unit, we urge you to give us a ring. We’d love hearing from you! One of our expert technicians would be happy to check your home, room by room, making measurements and calculations that will help us recommend a model of system that is perfect for your home and your budget.

And you can take that to the bank!

Still Have Questions About Your HVAC System?

So if you find yourself needing an upgrade, a tune-up, or if you merely have a question, don’t hesitate to call us. Delaware Heating & Air can be reached at 740-227-8302, or you can schedule an appointment online now at

No reason for calling is too insignificant. We are a five star rated family business that values your business.